Admission to the Ph.D Programme, Jadavpur University, Session: January, 2022

Jadavpur University
Faculty of Arts
Admission to the Ph.D Programme Session: January, 2022

Applications are invited from Indian nationals for admission to the Ph.D. programme in the
Departments of Bengali, Comparative Literature, Economics, Education, English, Film Studies,
History, International Relations, Library & Information Science, Philosophy, and Sociology

Process of Application:

  • Candidates should apply in the prescribed form available on the website.
  • Candidates have to pay the application fees Rs. 500/- (Per Subject) online through SBI Collect
    System using Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking.
  • After payment the downloaded form along with a online payment receipt and all testimonials is
    to be submitted to the Ph.D Cell, Arts, Subarna Jayanti Bhavan, Ground floor, Jadavpur
    University Main campus, Kolkata 700032.
  • The last date for online payment is 19.04.2022
  • The last date for submission of form is 20.04.2022. [Time: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm & 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm]

The following documents should be attached with the application form:
i) Two recent passport size photographs.
ii) Attested copies of all mark-sheets and certificates, Madhyamik admit card/certificate
for verification of age, SC/ST/ OBC-A/OBC-B /PD certificate, where applicable.
NET/SET/GATE certificate, if any.
iii) A candidate who has a two-year M.Phil. degree from any university other than Jadavpur
University will be required to submit a certificate from the competent authority stating
that the selection to the M.Phil course has been made through a written test and that a
full paper on Research Methodology of at least one semester duration was taught in the
M.Phil course. Otherwise waiver from WRET and/or course-work shall not be granted.
iv) Online payment receipt downloaded from SBI server after online payment.

Candidates will be selected through a written test of two hour duration (two and a half hours for Economics) and an interview to be held in the respective Departments.

  • The candidate who has an M.Phil (Regular two year course) degree and was admitted to the M.Phil programme through a written test, or have qualified NET/SET/GATE shall be entitled to get exemption from written admission test and shall be called directly for an interview if s/he satisfies the required conditions given in notification.

The provisional list of candidates for admission and schedule of the admission test will be notified
on 29.04.2022 or so on in the university website.

Detailed Notification

For eligibility criteria and other details related to Ph.D. click on:

Application Form

Click here for the format of Letter of Recommendation


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