Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Target Audience:
Papers are invited concerning theory, architectures, data models, tools, and services, infrastructures in and around Digital Library framework about the following topics (but not limited to):
1. Digital Libraries: System Focused
§ Knowledge Discovery and Representation in Digital Libraries
§ Digital archiving and preservation
§ AI / Machine Learning/ Data mining for DLs
§ Digital humanities and heritage
§ Semantic Web Technologies and Linked Data for DLs
2. Digital Libraries: User and Service Centric
§ Infrastructure and service design
§ Web and Mobile Enabled Library Services, Social Media
§ Quality and evaluation of digital libraries
§ Ontology & Knowledge Organization
§ Extract transform and load (ETL) process service as by library
3. Digital Libraries: Metadata, Search & Retrieval
§ Metadata (management, curation, integration)
§ Navigational and exploratory search
§ SCORM (Sharable Content object reference model)
§ Extracting semantics, entities, and patterns from large collections
§ Data curation and stewardship
§ Linked data and it’s applications
4. Digital Open Data: Open Science
§ Research Data Management (RDM) – Data Repositories and Archives
§ FAIR & Research Data Management (RDM)
§ Big Data & Data Analytics- § Data Exchange & Interoperability
§ Open Source and Open Access
§ Data Science (contribution of Library professionals)
5. Open Data & Open Science: Models, Practices, Mandates, and Policies
§ New Models for Open Access publications
§ Open Education Platforms & Resources – Swayam/MOOCS/MOODLE/VLE
§ Learning Management System – Learning Service Platform (LSP)
§ Ontological Tools- Protégé, Owl language and RDF metadata standards.
§ Open IoT technologies
§ React, polymer template, webpack
6. Social Media and Libraries
§ Socializing Library Services/Social media applications
§ Social media, community building, and applications
§ Social and Human Elements of Information Security
§ Analyzing Social Media Networks
§ Social Sharing/Social Networking Services /Idea Generation/Mobile Based Services
§ Media and Society
Important Dates
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