Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
RAJAPALAYAM RAJUS’ COLLEGE, Rajapalayam, Tamilnadu, India
NAAC Sponsored Two Days National Workshop on
Innovative Practices for Data Documentation of AQAR & SSR under Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework
Date: 14th & 15th December, 2022
No Registration Fees
IQAC Coordinators, Principals, Management Representatives, Criteria in-charges, Faculty members,
Stake holders of IQAC of various HEIs from inter and intra state
Registration link:
1. To discern Key indicators and preparation of AQAR and SSR as per revised accreditation framework.
2. To elucidate innovative best practices
3. To implement the benchmarks in HEI in terms of academic as well as societal values.
Sub Themes
1. To explicate Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework (RAAF), Quality Indicator Framework (QIF).
2. Innovative best practices for preparation of e-report of AQAR & SSR for Quality Enhancement with reference to National Educational Standards.
3. To elaborate the key indicator based on DVV.
4. To document the various activities leading to quality improvement
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