Ten Days Refresher Training Programme on Social Science Methods for University Teachers, Faculty in Research Institutions and Research Scholars

Ten Days Refresher Training Programme on Social Science Methods for University Teachers, Faculty in Research Institutions and Research Scholars

Ten Days Refresher Training Programme on Social Science Methods for University Teachers, Faculty in Research Institutions and Research Scholars

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Ten Days Refresher Training Programme on
Social Science Methods for University Teachers, Faculty in Research Institutions and
Research Scholars

(March 03th-12th, 2022)
Organised by
A N Sinha
Institute of Social Studies Patna
Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), NewDelhi

Date: March 03th-12th, 2022 

The programme is organised for Faculty Members/ Teachers and PhD Scholars who are associated with research institutions, Colleges and Universities

1. Methodological/Epistemological issues in social research: Origin of social science research, different types of research inquires.
2. Research/Project Proposal: Selection of topics for research, review of literature, hypothesis
formulation, conceptual framework, type of research design.
3. Field Research: Tools and methods of field work, interviews, ethnographic fieldwork.
4. Designing a Primary Survey Based Research: Tools for designing primary survey based research, Sampling Technique, Sample Size Selection, Questionnaire Designing, Data collection methods and Data cleaning.
5. Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Data: Descriptive analysis, Correlation analysis, Regression analysis, Hypothesis testing, ANOVA, Binominal Regression.
6. Application of Computer Software: Use of SPSS/STATA and Excel.
7. Ethics in Research: Ethics in research, IPR, Plagiarism.

How to Apply

Those who are interested to attend the programme must submit their application in the prescribed format (enclosed) and statement of purpose for the programme (max. 200 words) to the institute`s address (with the subject line: Ten Days Refresher\Training)


email to aviralpandey.ansiss@gmail.com; copy to bipul.kumar216@gmail.com latest by 24th February,2022

Application Form Submission last date: 24th February
Intimation about acceptance 26th February

Check more details in Program: Brochure

To register for this event please visit the following URL:


Date And Time

2022-03-03 to


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