ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2022-23 [Last Date 08/07/22]

Call of Applications for the ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2022-23

ICSSR invites applications for Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2022-23 from Indian scholars registered for Ph.D. in UGC recognized universities / deemed universities, institutes of national importance, ICSSR research institutes and colleges having approved Ph.D. programme.

The research proposal should be in a social science discipline or may be interdisciplinary in nature having significant social science content.

Applicants are required to apply in accordance with the ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship Guidelines.

The candidates shall submit an online application which includes the Research Proposal Format, namely, ‘Section IV: Details of Research Proposal’ given in the Application Form. The proposal must be submitted in the given proforma only.

All scholars are required to keep the hard copies of their application and annexures ready, duly forwarded by the competent authorities of the university/college/institute so that they may submit the required hard copies, within 15 days of asking by ICSSR. It is being done for the sake of convenience of the applicants so that they get more time for preparing the hard copies.

In case, the hard copy of application is not received within 15 days of asking by ICSSR, the candidature of the applicant shall be treated as withdrawn / cancelled.

The applicants seeking consideration under Institutional Doctoral Fellowship scheme must apply at the respective ICSSR research institute against their Call for Applications for Institutional Doctoral Fellowship in the prescribed format within the given deadline, see Guidelines for details.

Categories of Doctoral Fellowship

ICSSR is providing Doctoral Fellowships under its three ‘Centrally-Administered Doctoral Fellowship Schemes’ and ‘Institutional Doctoral Fellowship Scheme’ in accordance with the prescribed guidelines. In case of Centrally-Administered schemes, the fellowships are awarded and monitored directly by ICSSR and the concerned doctoral fellows are affiliated to a university or college. Under the Institutional Fellowship Scheme, the doctoral fellows are affiliated to and monitored by an ICSSR sponsored / recognized research institute. The scholar can avail anyone of the fellowships under the following categories:

A. Centrally Administered Full-Term Doctoral Fellowship

B. Institutional Full-Term Doctoral Fellowship (administered by the ICSSR research institutes)

C. Centrally Administered Short-Term Doctoral Fellowship

D. Centrally Administered Contingency Grant

The last date for online submission of application is 8th July 2022. Applicants are advised to apply well before the last date in order to avoid last moment issues.

For Technical assistance, email to cc [at] icssr [dot] org

Click here for detailed instructions on How to Apply in the Guidelines

Visit: https://icssr.org/doctoral-fellowship-2022

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