ICSSR Fellowships-2022-23: Call of Applications for the ICSSR Senior and Post-Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2022-23 for Indian scholars

Senior and Post-Doctoral ICSSR Fellowships-2022-23 for Indian scholars

ICSSR invites applications for Senior and Post-Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2022-23 from Indian scholars.  The research proposal should be in a social science discipline or may be interdisciplinary in nature having significant social science content.

Applicants are required to read the eligibility conditions carefully and apply in accordance with the ICSSR Senior and Post-Doctoral Fellowship Guidelines.

The candidates shall submit an online application which includes the Research Proposal Format, namely, ‘Section IV: Details of Research Proposal’ given in the Application Form. The proposal must be submitted in the given proforma only.  No separate research proposal is to be attached.

N.B. At this stage, the candidates need to upload only the required documents referred at the end of the application form.

All scholars are required to keep the hard copies of their application and annexures ready, duly forwarded by the competent authorities of the institute/university/college so that they may submit the required hard copies, within 15 days of asking by ICSSR. It is being done for the sake of convenience of the applicants so that they get more time for preparing the hard copies.

In case, the hard copy of application is not received within 15 days of asking by ICSSR, the candidature of the applicant shall be treated as withdrawn / cancelled.

the Scholarship for the broad disciplines of study, within the domain of social sciences are:

1. Economics/ Development Studies
2. Management
3. Commerce
4. Sociology
5. Social Work
6. Social Anthropology
7. Cultural Studies
8. Sanskrit Studies
9. Socio-Philosophical Studies
10. Social Linguistics
11. Gender Studies
12. Health Studies
13. Political Science
14. International Studies
15. Public Administration
16. Diaspora Studies
17. National Security and Strategic Studies
18. Education
19. Social Psychology
20. Legal Studies
21. Social Geography
22. Environmental Studies
23. Modern Social History
24. Media Studies
25. Library Science


2.1 The scholar should not be less than 45 and more than 70 years of age as on the last date of application.

2.2 The scholar must possess Ph.D. Degree and have, in the opinion of the ICSSR, the necessary competence to conduct research in social sciences or social aspects of other disciplines in addition to having outstanding research publications at the time of application.

2.3 Senior government and defence officers (not less than 25 years of regular service) and persons with proven Social Science expertise possessing a Ph.D. degree in any social science discipline and demonstrable research experience through publications of books/research papers/reports, can also apply.

2.4 A fellow must affiliate himself/herself to an ICSSR Research Institute/ Institutes of national importance, approved by MoE/government research institute/public funded university including deemed university of his/her choice. Funds are disbursed through the affiliating/administering institution.

2.5 Faculties with regular service in public funded universities/colleges and research institutes getting UGC pay-scales may be considered for pay protection in exceptionally meritorious cases, which is to be decided by the Expert Committees of the ICSSR. The Expert Committee of the ICSSR also reserves the right to convert a fellowship proposal into a Project Proposal.

The last date for online submission of application is 27 July 2022 (Wednesday). Applicants are advised to apply well before the last date in order to avoid last moment issues.

For any Technical assistance, email to cc [at] icssr [dot] org

Click here for detailed instructions on How to Apply in the Guidelines — Senior Fellowship and Post-Doctoral Fellowship 


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