ICSSR invites online applications from Indian Social Scientists for the ICSSR Research Projects (Major/Minor) for the year 2022-23

The proposed study could be multidisciplinary or may belong to a social science discipline.

Applicants must apply in accordance with the ICSSR Research Projects Guidelines.

The candidates need to upload the documents referred in Application form.

All scholars are required to keep the hard copies of their application and annexures ready, duly forwarded by the competent authorities of the Affiliating Institution so that they may submit the required hard copies, within one week after the completion of the screening process. It is being done for the sake of convenience of the applicants so that they get more time for preparing the hard copies.

Last date for online submission of application is October 8, 2022 (Saturday).

Note:  Scholar is permitted to apply for two schemes. But, in case of selection, the candidate in consultation with the ICSSR will take up only one study. Those who are still continuing with ICSSR any other study can take up the fresh study only after completing the ongoing study.

The Research Projects may belong to any of the social science disciplines or may be multi-disciplinary in nature. The broad disciplines of study, within the domain of social sciences, are:

1. Economics/ Development Studies
2. Management
3. Commerce
4. Sociology
5. Social Work
6. Social Anthropology
7. Cultural Studies
8. Sanskrit Studies
9. Socio-Philosophical Studies
10. Social Linguistics
11. Gender Studies
12. Health Studies
13. Political Science
14. International Studies
15. Public Administration
16. Diaspora Studies
17. National Security and Strategic Studies
18. Education
19. Social Psychology
20. Legal Studies
21. Social Geography
22. Environmental Studies
23. Modern Social History
24. Media Studies
25. Library Science

Categories of Research Projects

The ICSSR awards two types of research projects on the basis of the scope, duration of the study and budget:
(a) Major Project – Duration from 12 months to 24 months with a budget of Rs.5-15 lakh.
(b) Minor Project – Duration from 6 months to 12 months with a budget up to Rs.5 lakh.


2.1 ICSSR Research Institutes/institutes of national importance as defined by the Ministry of Education (MoE) / UGC recognized Indian universities / deemed universities under 12 B etc. are eligible to apply. However, other registered organisations with established research and academic standing may collaborate with any of the above mentioned institutions for implementation of the study and may form a joint team consisting of Project Director, Co-Project Director/s etc. Such collaborations have to be clearly stated in application itself.

2.2 Professional social scientists who are regularly employed or retired as faculty in a UGC(University Grants Commission) recognized Indian university/deemed university/colleges with requisite research infrastructure/institute of national importance and ICSSR Research Institutes, and possessing a Ph.D. and demonstrable research experience through publications of books/research papers/reports are eligible to apply. Both the Project Director and Co- Director must possess a Ph.D. degree and a proven track record of high quality research as evidenced by past studies, publications and their academic background. The condition of Ph.D. for a Co-Director can be relaxed if he/she has very credible research publications.

2.3 Senior government and defence officers (not less than 25 years of regular service) and persons with proven Social Science expertise possessing a Ph. D. degree or equivalent research work in any social science disciplines and demonstrable research experience through publications of books/research papers/reports can also apply, preferably in collaboration with a faculty in a social science discipline from institutions given in 2.1 above.

2.4 Individual scholars can apply for two projects at a time. However, in case both projects are selected, the applicant will be required to choose only one project. Institutes having good research infrastructure and resources may affiliate a number of Project Directors.

Click here for detailed instructions on how to apply in the Guidelines.

Guidelines: https://icssr.org/research-projectsmajor-and-minor

Link to apply: https://icssr.org/administrator

Help on application procedure: https://icssr.org/how-apply

For Technical assistance, email to cc [at] icssr [dot] org

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