UGC NET Solved Question Paper-III [January 2017] Library and Information Science [Que. 41 to Que. 75]

UGC NET Exam Date: 22nd January, 2017 [Que. 41 to Que. 75]

UGC NET Paper-III Solved Question Paper-January 2017

41. Arrange the steps of Big 6 skill information literacy model in correct order as given by M. Eisenberg and B. Berkowitz.
(a) Evaluation
(b) Location and Access
(c) Information seeking strategies
(d) Synthesis

(1) (a), (b), (d) and (c)
(2) (b), (a), (c) and (d)
(3) (c), (b), (d) and (a)
(4) (b), (a), (d) and (c)
Answer: (3)

42. Arrange the following committees according to their year of Constitution?
(a) Committee on National Network System for University Libraries.
(b) K.P. Sinha Committee
(c) Review Committee on Library and Information Science
(d) D.P. Chattopadhyaya Committee on National Policy of Library and Information Services.

(1) (b), (c), (d), (a)
(2) (c), (d), (a), (b)
(3) (d), (a), (b), (c)
(4) (a), (b), (c), (d)
Answer: (1)

43. Arrange in sequence the following components of Tom Wilson’s Expanded Model in sequential order of their occurrence:
(a) Information seeking behaviour
(b) Context of information need
(c) Passive attention and search
(d) Intervening variables

(1) (b), (d), (a), (c)
(2) (a), (b), (d), (c)
(3) (c), (b), (d), (a)
(4) (a), (c), (b), (d)
Answer: (1)

44. Match the following:

List — I

List — II

(a) David Ellis (i) Process
(b) James Krikelas (ii) Complex
(c) Tom Wilson (iii) Descriptive
(d) Alan Foster (iv) Cognitive


(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(2) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(4) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)

Answer: (3)

45. Match the following management concepts with their corresponding propounders:
List — I                                                    List — II
(a) Quality Trilogy Process                                 (i) Philip B. Crosby
(b) Quality Management Maturity Grid                 (ii) W. Edwards Deming
(c) 14 points for management                            (iii) J.M. Juran
(d) Fishbone diagram                                        (iv) Kaoru Ishikawa

.           (a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(1)        (iii)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)
(2)        (i)         (ii)        (iii)       (iv)
(3)        (iv)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)
(4)        (iii)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)

Answer: (1)

46. Match the following:
List — I                                  List—II
(a) Maslow, A                         (i) Two factor theory
(b) Alderfer, C.P.                    (ii) Acquired-needs theory
(c) Frederick Herzberg            (iii) ERG Theory
(d) David McClelland               (iv) Hierarchy of needs

.           (a)        (b)        (c)       (d)
(1)        (i)         (iii)      (iv)       (ii)
(2)        (ii)        (iv)       (i)        (iii)
(3)        (iv)       (iii)      (i)        (ii)
(4)        (iii)       (ii)       (iv)       (i)

Answer: (3)

47. Match the following:
List — I                       List — II
(a) Instagram               (i) Facebook
(b) Face Time              (ii) Apple
(c) Tumbir                   (iii) Google
(d) Picasa                    (iv) Yahoo

.           (a)        (b)       (c)       (d)
(1)        (iv)       (i)        (iii)      (ii)
(2)        (i)        (ii)       (iv)       (iii)
(3)        (ii)       (iv)       (iii)      (i)
(4)        (iv)       (ii)       (i)        (iii)
Answer: (2)

48. Match the following:

List — I List—II
(a) Crowd Funding (i) Public assistance through donations
(b) Crowd sourcing (ii) Collaborative milieu of knowledge dissemination
(c) Hathi Trust (iii) Re-setting priorities due to financial constraints
(d) Social and Cultural hubs (iv) Collaborative huge collection of digital resources


.           (a)       (b)        (c)       (d)
(1)        (ii)       (iv)       (i)        (iii)
(2)        (i)        (iii)      (iv)       (ii)
(3)        (ii)       (iii)      (iv)       (i)
(4)        (i)        (iv)       (ii)       (iii)
Answer: (2)

49. Match the following:

List — I List — II
(a) Portico (i) Preserves scholarly publications in dark archives to be accessed under emergent situation
(b) Lockss (ii) Non-profit service that allows libraries to collect e-contents for digital preservation
(c) Clockss (iii) Non-profit digital preservation service for participating libraries
(d) Chorus (iv) Clearinghouse for the open resources of the U.S.


.           (a)        (b)      (c)        (d)
(1)        (i)        (ii)       (iii)       (iv)
(2)        (iv)       (iii)      (ii)        (i)
(3)        (ii)       (iv)       (i)         (iii)
(4)        (iii)      (ii)       (i)         (iv)

Answer: (4)

50. Match the following Library Automation Software Products with their corresponding developers:
List — I                      List — II
(a) Genesis G4                (i) Innovative Interfaces
(b) VERSO                 (ii) ExLibris
(c) Aleph                     (iii) Auto Graphics
(d) Millennium            (iv) Library Resource Management System

.           (a)        (b)      (c)       (d)
(1)        (iv)       (iii)      (ii)       (i)
(2)        (i)        (ii)       (iii)      (iv)
(3)        (iii)      (iv)       (ii)       (i)
(4)        (ii)       (i)        (iv)      (iii)
Answer: (1)

51. Match the following Gateways with their corresponding subjects:
List — I                      List — II
(a) AHDS                    (i) Urban Design
(b) ALTIS                   (ii) Forestry Food, Veterinary & Agricultural Sciences
(c) NOVAGate           (iii) Hospitality, Leisure, Sports & Tourism
(d) RUDI                    (iv) Arts and Humanities

.           (a)       (b)       (c)        (d)
(1)        (iii)      (i)         (iv)       (ii)
(2)        (ii)       (iii)       (iv)       (i)
(3)        (iv)       (iii)       (ii)       (i)
(4)        (i)        (ii)        (iii)      (iv)
Answer: (3)

52. Match the following:

List — I


(a) Meta-analysis (i) The most theoretical form of desk research, clarify terms, concepts
(b) Conceptual analysis (ii) To assess the extent to which concepts and issues are mentioned or not
(c) Content analysis (iii) Quantitative methods for describing and analysis patterns of recorded communication
(d) Bibliometric analysis (iv) Quantitative data by statistical analysis

.           (a)       (b)      (c)        (d)
(1)        (ii)       (i)        (iv)       (iii)
(2)        (iii)      (ii)       (i)         (iv)
(3)        (i)        (iv)       (iii)      (ii)
(4)        (iv)       (i)        (ii)       (iii)
Answer: (4)

53. Match the following:

List — I List — II
(a) Nominal Scale (i) Places events in order and exhibits their relation
(b) Ordinal Scale (ii) Classifies Objects/Observations
(c) Ratio Scale (iii) Involves Judges to rank items into categories
(d) Differential Scale (iv) Represents the actual amount of variable —theoretically unobtainable

.           (a)       (b)       (c)        (d)
(1)        (ii)       (i)        (iv)       (iii)
(2)        (i)        (ii)       (iii)      (iv)
(3)        (iii)      (i)        (iv)       (ii)
(4)        (iv)       (iii)      (ii)       (i)
Answer: (1)

54. Match the following:
List — I                        List — II
(a) Impact Factor         (i) Cited during the current year
(b) SNIP                      (ii) Duration of citations to article in a journal
(c) Immediacy Factor    (iii) Cited during the recent two years
(d) Cited Half Life         (iv) Citation based on the number of citations in a field

.           (a)       (b)       (c)        (d)
(1)        (iii)      (iv)       (i)        (ii)
(2)        (i)        (iii)      (ii)       (iv)
(3)        (ii)       (i)        (iv)       (iii)
(4)        (iv)       (i)        (ii)       (iii)

Answer: (1)

55. Match the following:

List — I List II
(a) Systematic Sample (i) Population specified by traits, discretionary and inexpensive
(b) Stratified Sample (ii) Scattered population
(c) Cluster Sample (iii) Heterogeneous Population
(d) Quota Sample (iv) Too large population

.           (a)        (b)      (c)        (d)
(1)        (iv)       (iii)      (ii)       (i)
(2)        (i)        (ii)       (iii)      (iv)
(3)        (iii)      (i)        (iv)       (ii)
(4)        (ii)       (iv)       (i)        (iii)
Answer: (1)

56. Match the following:
List — I          List — II
(a) Ibid                  (i) See
(b) Loc.Cit.     (ii) Previously used reference
(c) Op.Cit.       (iii) Same reference cited immediately above
(d) Vide          (iv) Same page cited (in the place cited)

.           (a)        (b)      (c)        (d)
(1)        (iii)      (iv)       (ii)       (i)
(2)        (iv)       (ii)       (i)        (iii)
(3)        (ii)       (i)        (iii)      (iv)
(4)        (i)        (iii)      (iv)       (ii)
Answer: (1)

57. Match the type of services suitable for the queries given below:

List — I List — II
(a) Alert service (i) Can I have details of Lok Sabha elections 2009?
(b) Documentation service (ii) Who won Wimbledon Singles in 2015?
(c) Retrospective Search Service (iii) Let me Know the forthcoming conferences on Green Libraries?
(d) Reference service (iv) Let me have a comprehensive list of articles published on genome in 2016.

.            (a)       (b)      (c)        (d)
(1)        (ii)       (iii)       (i)         (iv)
(2)        (iv)       (ii)       (i)         (iii)
(3)        (i)        (iv)       (ii)        (iii)
(4)        (iii)      (iv)       (i)         (ii)
Answer: (4)

58. Match the following:

List — I List — II
(a) W.A. Katz (i) Documentation Information
(b) B. Guha (ii) Introduction to reference work 2V.
(c) S. Seetharama (iii) Documentation and its facets
(d) S.R. Ranganathan (iv) Information Consolidation and repackaging: Framework, Methodology, Planning

.           (a)       (b)        (c)        (d)
(1)        (iii)      (ii)        (iv)        (i)
(2)        (i)        (iii)       (ii)        (iv)
(3)        (ii)       (i)         (iv)       (iii)
(4)        (iv)       (ii)        (i)        (iii)
Answer: (3)

59. Match the following:
List — I                                              List — II
(a) Literary Warrant                            (i) Melvil Dewey
(b) Alternative Location                       (ii) H.E. Bliss
(c) Decimal Fraction Notation               (iii) S.R. Ranganathan
(d) Seminal Mnemonics                       (iv) E.W. Hulme

.           (a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(1)        (iv)       (ii)         (i)         (iii)
(2)        (ii)        (i)         (iii)       (iv)
(3)        (i)         (iii)       (ii)        (iv)
(4)        (iii)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)
Answer: (1)

60. Match the following symbols/signs used in UDC standard edition:
Signs/Symbols                           Meaning
(a) => Double arrow                  (i) Examples of combination
(b) Diamond                              (ii) Including
(c) ❑ Square                             (iii) See also
(d) =Approximately equal to       (iv) subdivide as

.          (a)      (b)         (c)        (d)
(1)        (iii)      (i)         (ii)       (iv)
(2)        (i)        (ii)        (iii)      (iv)
(3)        (ii)       (i)         (iv)       (iii)
(4)        (iv)       (ii)       (ii)       (i)
Answer: (1)

61. Match the following:

List — I List—II
(a) The Crisis in Cataloguing (i) Michael Gorman
(b) Headings and Canons: Comparative Study of Five Catalogue Codes (ii) Raymond Knox Olding
(c) Our Enduring Values: Librarianship in the 21st century (iii) Andrew D. Osborn
(d) Readings in library Cataloguing (iv) S.R. Ranganathan

.           (a)        (b)        (c)       (d)
(1)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)        (ii)
(2)        (i)         (iv)       (ii)       (iii)
(3)        (ii)        (i)        (iii)       (iv)
(4)        (iii)       (iv)       (ii)        (i)

Answer: (1)

62. Assertion (A): ‘Information Economy’ which is based on the premise that, information has economic value and as such requires an ‘Information Market Place’ in which such value can be exchanged, holds no good in the contemporary information age.
Reason (R): Information as a valuable resource occupies a slum dwelling in the town of economics, as this economic reality runs counter to the popular and historic notion that, “information is free”.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (3)

63. Assertion (A): Libraries should serve as a local centre of information and knowledge and be a local gateway to national and global knowledge.
Reason (R): Libraries must modernize their collection, services and collaborate with other institutions to develop a community-based information system.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (3)

64. Assertion (A): Some modern users are quite apprehensive about virtual reference service chat.
Reason (R): They fear negative judgements from librarians and advisors arising from the content of the chat transcript.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (3)

65. Assertion (A): In recent years, the explosion of information in electronic format has placed a significant burden on the small public libraries.
Reason (R): E-resources are expensive, both in licensing cost and in the technology needed to support them to which small public libraries can hardly afford.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (3)

66. Assertion (A): In the digital environment, the University libraries in India need not build their reference collection.
Reason (R): ‘Question Point’ of OCLC provides a complete virtual reference management system for subscription.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true.
Answer: (2)

67. Assertion (A): Libraries market their products and services to overcome the problems of under-utilization of their information resources and services.
Reason (R): Libraries are under-utilized because they do not provide access to electronic resources.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (1)

68. Assertion (A): In RDA the ‘rule of 3″, to provide upto three authors, is now the main instruction.
Reason (R): RDA does not encourage access to the names of persons and corporate bodies important to the users.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (4)

69. Assertion (A): Application of six sigma in library management is a quality programme that improves customers’ experience and lowers costs.
Reason (R): Six phases of sigma are necessary in all library operations.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (1)

70. Assertion (A): A library needs to generate a satisfied customer base which is supportive of library programmes.
Reason (R): If a library’s resources and services are measured upto customer’s expectations, then repeat use cannot be ensured.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (1)

71. Assertion (A): Podcasting, once an obscure method of spreading information, has become a recognized medium for distributing audio contents — be it corporate or for personal use.
Reason (R): Podcasts, though similar to radio programs, are primarily audio files which the listeners can play at their convenience, using devices that have become more common than portable broadcast receivers.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (3)

72. Assertion (A): Open-ended questions are suitable to glean more and candid information from the respondents seeking on a specific aspect.
Reason (R): Open-ended questions provide an opportunity to go beyond the closed option of ‘yes’ or ‘No’ as it enables to express one’s own ideas more candidly.

(1) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(3) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(4) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
Answer: (2)

73. Assertion (A): An information literate generally has the potential to determine the nature and extent of the information needed.
Reason (R): An information literate can define and articulate the need better than an information illiterate.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (3)

74. Assertion (A): Majority of State Public Library Acts enacted from 1990s have provision for Library fund with contributions from State and Central Governments.
Reason, (R): Library Cess is inadequate to manage public libraries.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true.
Answer: (4)

75. Assertion (A): Most of the LIS professionals in India are yet to recognise fully the significance of Web-based OPAC services.
Reason (R): Although some libraries in India have started to develop their own websites and portals with enhanced features of Web-based OPACs, but none of these libraries are yet to have their library page and lack federated search facilities.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Answer: (1)

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