List of National Libraries of Various Countries in the World and their Location

National Libraries & Location

following are the List of National Libraries  of worlds some most important countries with their Location and establishment year. The list is very useful for the LIS NET/SET Exam purpose.

Name of Library Place/ Location Year of Establishment
Bibliotheque Nationale de France Paris, France 1461
National Library of Spain Madrid 1712
National Library of Poland Warsaw 1747
National Library of Russia Saint Petersburg 1795
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal Lisbon 1796
Library of Congress USA 1800
National Library of Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1810
National Library of South Africa Pretoria and Cape Town 1818
National Library of Algeria Algiers 1835
United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) Bethesda, Maryland 1836
National Library of India Calcutta, India 1836
Russian Stat Library Moscow, Russia 1862
Library of Greece Athens 1832
National Central Library Rome,Italy 1876
National Library of Ireland Dublin 1877
Swiss National Library Bern 1895
National Library of China Beijing, China 1909
German National Library Germany 1912
Iraq National Library and Archive (INLA) Baghdad, Iraq 1920
National Library of Albania Tirana 1922
National Library of Scotland Edinburgh 1925
National Library of Andorra Andorra la Vella 1930
National Library of Afghanistan Kabul 1932
National Library and Archives of Iran (NLAI) Tehran 1937
National Diet Library Tokyo and Kyoto ,Japan 1948
National Library of Pakistan Islamabad 1951
National Science Library Delhi 1964
National Library of New Zealand Wellington 1965
National Medical Library New Delhi 1966
British Library/(British Museum Library) London (UK) 1973/(1773)
National Library of Angola Luanda 1969
National Library of Sri Lanka Colombo 1970
National Library of Singapore Singapore 1995
Qatar National Library Doha 2012

Download:List of National Libraries & Location with  their Esta. Year.

Note: The list is prepared from different nline and offline sources. If you found any correction in the above list please suggest and comment it on comment box. thank you.

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