DSSSB Technical Assistant (Library) Exam-2021 Solved Question Paper [Que.16 to 30]

DSSSB Technical Assistant (Library) Examination -2021 Solved Question Paper

Following are question and answers of the DSSSB Technical Assistant (Library) Examination-2021 which is conducted on the 07th August 2021.

Solved Questions Papers with Answer [Que-16 to 30]
16. The concept of ‘Literary Warrant’ was introduced by __.
(A) E. W. Hulme
(B) J. D. Brown
(C) Melvil Dewey
(D) S. R. Ranganathan
Answer: (A) E. W. Hulme

17. Colon Classification 6th edition is ____.
(A) Enumerative
(B) Freely faceted
(C) Almost enumerative
(D) Rigidly faceted
Answer: (B) Freely faceted

18. Epidemic theory of literature growth was suggested by __?
(A) W. Goffman
(B) W. Weaver
(C) M. B. Line
(D) L. J. Murphy
Answer: (A) W. Goffman

19. The electronic version of DDC-20 edition was issued in 1993 on CD-ROM titled __?
(A) Decimal Classification
(B) Dewey for Windows
(C) Dewey online
(D) Electronic Dewey
Answer: (D) Electronic Dewey

20. Libsys is a library automation software developed by __?
(A) Datapro Consultancy
(B) Uptron India
(C) Wipro Info Tech
(D) LibSys Corporation
Answer: (D) LibSys Corporation

21. Database Management system is a collection of __.
(A) Programs
(B) Databases

(C) Files
(D) Software’s
Answer: (A) Programs

22. Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) scheme devised by __.
(A) Melvil Dewey
(B) Fremont Rider
(C) Paul Otlet and La Fontain
(D) Ranganathan

Answer: (C) Paul Otlet and La Fontain
Short Notes: Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) developed by  Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine in 1895

23. In ISIS Indexing techniques 0 (Zero) is used for __.
(A) Whole document
(B) Whole field
(C) A sub field
(D) A part field
Answer: (B) Whole field

24. ILMS stands for _____________.
(A) International Library Management Software
(B) Integrated Library Management Software
(C) Integrated Library Management Systems
(D) Information Library Maintenance Software
Answer: (C) Integrated Library Management Systems

25. A set of programs for defining, creation, maintenance and manipulation of a database is called as ______.
Answer: (B) DBMS

26. FDT stands for _____________.
(A) Field Design Table
(B) Format Detection
(C) Format Design Table
(D) Field Definition Table
Answer: (D) Field Definition Table

27. Library automation means use of ______ to perform library activities.
(A) Machines
(B) Computer
(C) Semi automatic machines
(D) Automatic Machines
Answer: (B) Computer

28. There are three types of DBMS available for a micro computer user are such as: i) File Management System ii) Relational DBMS, and iii) _______.
(A) Storage and retrieval DBMS
(B) Network and Hierarchical DBMS
(C) Word Processing
(D) Basic Software
Answer: (B) Network and Hierarchical DBMS

29. Which was the first machine, to perform arithmetic and logical operations?
(B) MARK 1
(D) Analytical Engine
Answer: (B) MARK 1

30. ___ notation is used in Universal Decimal Classification.
(A) Pure
(B) Mixed
(C) Faceted
(D) Rigid
Answer: (B) Mixed

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