DSSSB Technical Assistant (Library) Exam-2021 Solved Question Paper [Que.76 to 90]

DSSSB Technical Assistant (Library) Examination -2021 Solved Question Paper

Following are question and answers of the DSSSB Technical Assistant (Library) Examination-2021 which is conducted on the 07th August 2021.

Solved Questions Papers with Answer [Que-76 to 90]
76. Current awareness service comes under the category of __.
(A) Anticipatory service
(B) Responsive service
(C) Ready reference service
(D) Long range reference service

Answer: (A) Anticipatory service

77. The ideas, theories, hypothesis about relationship which exists among variables is known as __ information.
(A) Empirical
(B) Conceptual
(C) Policy
(D) Procedural
Answer: (B) Conceptual

78. ‘Media and Information Literacy’ is penned by ________.
(A) Rachel E. Khan
(C) Gary Price
(D) Marcus Leaning
Answer: (D) Marcus Leaning

79. UKMARK, is developed by __.
Answer: (C) BNB

80. The Indian National Bibliography (INB) is published by __________.
(A) Library of Congress
(B) National Library of India
(C) Central Reference Library, Kolkata
(D) Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (INSDOC)
Answer: (C) Central Reference Library, Kolkata

81. ‘Libraries: Gateway to knowledge’: The title of the Report is ________.
(A) NEP-2020
(B) Mudaliar Committee

(C) First Five Year Plan
(D) NKC-2005
Answer: (D) NKC-2005

82. Which Library Committee recommended for the Development of Public Libraries in India (1958)?
(A) Vavilala Committee
(B) Fyzee Committee
(C) Subharayan Committee
(D) K. P. Sinha Committee
Answer: (D) K. P. Sinha Committee

83. Resource Description and Access (RDA) is used in fields of ________.
(C) MeSH
(D) MARC Records
Answer: (D) MARC Records

84. Fourth law of library science has direct implication on __________.
(A) Library building
(B) Resources sharing
(C) Library staff
(D) Classification and Cataloguing
Answer: (D) Classification and Cataloguing

85. The frequency of Biological Abstracts (BA) is ________.
(A) Semi-monthly
(B) Twice monthly
(C) Monthly
(D) Quarterly
Answer: (A) Semi monthly

86. Collection number in a call number is to indicate the collection in which that books placed in library. The collection numbering scheme be formulated and maintained by the __.
(A) Maintenance section
(B) Reference section
(C) Acquisition section
(D) Technical section
Answer: (A) Maintenance section

87. The first Delivery of Books Act in India (After 1947) was in the year _______.
(A) 1954
(B) 1956
(C) 1986
(D) 2005
Answer: (A) 1954

88. Resource sharing in the library was originally known as ______.
(A) Library Cooperation
(B) Inter Library Loan
(C) Library Networking
(D) Material Sharing
Answer: (A) Library Cooperation

89. ‘Europa World of Learning’ is an example of _________.
(A) Yearbook
(B) Handbook
(C) Directory
(D) Encyclopedia
Answer: (C) Directory

90. INB and BNB are examples of ____________ bibliography.
(A) Trade
(B) Universal
(C) Systematic
(D) National
Answer: (D) National

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