In this post we are providing you the most useful question for upcoming UGC NET in Library & Information Science discipline Exam Preparation. Following are the Practice Series Quiz-3. Welcome to your LIS UGC NET Exam Preparation Practice Series Quiz-3 1. E. B. Ross related to____________. (A) Ranganathan formulated his first law of library from his casual hint. (B) Library legislation (C) Living with book (D) Zero Based Budget None 2. Edgar. F. Codd gives the ____________. A. 12 rules for relational database. B. 12 rules for Archival database. C. 12 rules for Management D. 15 rules for relational database. None 3. C. W. Hanson releted to...................... (A) Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and exhaustive approach. (B) Classified documentary sources of information into Conventional, Neo Conventional, Non Conventional and meta document (C) Divides documentary sources of information into primary, secondary and tertiary. (D) Divides documentary sources of information into primary and secondary. None 4. George Kingsely Zipf related to___________. (A) Bradfords Law of Information (B) Mathematical Theory of Information (C) Psycho-biology of language An introduction to dynamic philosophy (D) Information is data of value to decision making None 5. Michael Gorman related to_______________. (A) Application of Ranganathan's Laws to the Web (B) Our Singular Strengths (D) The first librarian of the Imperial Library (now National Library, Kolkata)C (D) The disciple of Melvil Dewey who worked in India None 6. Ted Nelson releted to______________. A. Term WWW B. Term Hyper Text C. Term Webology D. Term Semantic Web None 7. Samuel Clement Bradford related to ____________. A. Bradford's Law of Information. B Bradford's Law of Energy. C. Bradford's Law of Management. D. Bradford's Law of Bibliography. None 8. Alireza Noruzi related to______________. (A) Our Singular Strengths (B) The disciple of Melvil Dewey who worked in India (C) Application of Ranganathan's Laws to the Web (D) The first librarian of the Imperial Library (now National Library, Kolkata) None 9. J. C. M. Hanson related to____________. (A) Library of Congress Classification System (B) UDC (C) Sears List of Subject Heading (D) Dictionary Catalogue None 10. Melvin J. Voigt releted to_____________. (A) Divides documentary sources of information into primary, secondary and tertiary. (B) Divides documentary sources of information into primary and secondary. (C) Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and exhaustive approach. (D) Classified documentary sources of information into Conventional, Neo Conventional, Non Conventional and meta document. None 11. Peter A. Phyer related to _________. (A) Ranganathan formulated his first law of library from his casual hint. (B) Library legislation (C) Living with book (D) Zero Based Budget None 12. George Kingsely Zipf related to___________ (A) Mathematical Theory of Information (B) Information is data of value to decision making (C) Bradfords Law of Information (D) Psycho-biology of language An introduction to dynamic philosophy None 13. Douglas Mc Gregor related to_________. A. Theory X and Theory Y. B. Theory of UNITERM C. Term of Scientific Management D.Theory of Leadership None 14. Haines related to___________. (A) Library legislation (B) Living with book (C) Zero Based Budget (D) Ranganathan formulated his first law of library from his casual hint. None 15. Michael Gorman related to__________. (A) Application of Ranganathan's Laws to the Web (B) The first librarian of the Imperial Library (now National Library, Kolkata) (C) The disciple of Melvil Dewey who worked in India (D) Wrote "Our Singular Strengths" None Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up Views: 304 # LIS NET Practice MCQ Admin Articles: 385 Previous Post LIS Study Material- Management Theories and their Profounders Next Post ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2022-23 [Last Date 08/07/22]
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