UGC NET Exam in Library & Information Science [LIS] Check Box Practice Test No.-7 [Library Science Practice Test]

In this post we are providing you the most useful question and Answer for UGC NET/SET and other Library & Information Science discipline Exam Preparation. Following are the UGC NET Library & Information Science [LIS] Exam Check Box Type Question Practice Test No.-7 [LIS Practice Question]

Welcome to your Check Box Practice Test-7

Arrange the following steps of “The Big 6 model of Information problem solving” as enunciated by Eisenberg and Berkowitz.

(a) Information Seeking strategies
(b) Task Definition
(c) Synthesis
(d) Use of Information

Which of the following key teens of references assigned to National Knowledge Commission (NKC) constituted in June 2005 under the Chairmanship of Sam Pitroda for preparing a blue print to reform knowledge-related institutions and their infrastructure?

(a) Build Excellence in Education System and increase India's competitive advantage in the field of knowledge.
(b) Establishment of one "Knowledge Pool" (KP) in each state capital and to check the drop-out rate of school going children in a acquiring knowledge.
(c) Promote creation of knowledge in S & T Labs and improve management of institutions engaged in IPR activities.
(d) Promote knowledge applications in Agriculture and Industry and use of knowledge capabilities in making Government effective, transparent, and accountable.

In which of the following places the zonal offices of RRRLF are located?

(a) Delhi
(b) Trivendrum
(c) Mumbai
(d) Hyderabad

Which of the following can be used to measure the research output of an individual?

(a) h-index
(b) benchmark
(c) g-index
(d) Bookmarks

Identify from the following the Silver Halide process used in reprography:

(a) Exposure
(b) Miniature
(c) Developing
(d) Rinsing

Identify the type of `metadata' held by D space for archiving contents:

(a) Descriptive
(b) Configured
(c) Structural
(d) Administrative

Which of the following are 'Special Auxiliary Subdivisions' of UDC?

(a) Apostrophe
(b) Sub-grouping
(c) Colon
(d) Point-naught

What are the constituent elements of Simon's Flow Chart that are the components of management system?

(a) Planning
(b) Staffing
(c) Motivating
(d) Innovating

Which of the following are the characteristics of not-for-profit organizations according to Edward G. Evans?

(a) Financial sources derived from outside funding sources rather than from sales of service.
(b) Have clear indicator of effect i.e. profit or loss.
(c) Organizations are public rather than private.
(d) Funding preferences for collaborative projects.

Which of the following are the criteria for defined open standard in W3C (2006)?

(a) Transparency and Impartiality
(b) Maintenance and Relevance
(c) Availability and Openness
(d) Security and Preservation

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