One Liner Que For NET/SET & other Exam on Library & Information Science [PDF]
LIS One Liner Que Set-1
- LAMP stands for: Linux Apache. MySQL Perl
- Publishers of Sear’s list of subject headings: W. Wilson
- The Dewey Decimal Classification divides human knowledge into: 10 basic categories.
- Father of Management: Henery Feyol
- OAISTER is an example of digital libraries architecture based on: Metadata Harvesting
- The concept of Selective Dissemination of Information ( SDI ) was introduced by : Luhn of IBM
- Science Abstracts published by: INSPEC (Institute of Electrical Engineering)
- The term Lexicography is associated with: Compilation of Dictionaries
- “Controlled Group” is a term used in: Experimental research
- The Farmington plan is associated with : Library Cooperation
- Ontology is:Classification of Internet based documents
- Search engine is exclusively meant for scientific information : SCIRUS
- Bibliometry is a : Information Management Tool
- MESH is a is: Thesaurus
- Classification of all types of libraries has been made by: UNESCO
- Is not a web browser: DMOZ
- ASTINFO stands for: Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific
- The ‘Rules of Dictionary Catalogue’ were developed by: C. A. Cutter
- Emerald is a database of: Management Literature
- “Information is piecemeal, fragmented and particular.” Said by: Fritz Machlup
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