UGC NET June 2020 Solved Question Paper- Library & Information Science [Que. 1 to Que. 20]

Question Paper June 2020-Que. 1 to Que. 20

UGC NET June 2020 Solved Question Paper- Library & Information Science

following are the solved question and Answers of the UGC NET June 2020  of subject Library & Information Science.

1. Which Law of Library Science enunciated by S. R. Ranganathan has been
reinterpreted by OCLC Research Group as, ‘Develop the physical and technical infrastructure needed to deliver physical and digital material?
A. ‘Every reader his/her book’
B. ‘Books are for use’
C. ‘Save the time of the reader^
D. ‘Every book its reader
Answer: B. ‘Books are for use’

2. How many colour shades will be displayed in an 11-bits image?
A. 512
B. 256
C. 2048
D. 1024
Answer: C. 2048
Explanation: 1 bpp= 2 colors,  & Shades=Number of Color= (2) to the power bpp
So, here, 2 to the power 11 means =2048
(bpp: Bits per pixel) & usually the Color images are of the 24 bpp format, or 16 bpp

3. From the following, identify the System/Networks that came into existence in
A. (a) and (b) only
B. (b) and (c) only
C. (c) and (d) only
D. (a) and (d) only
Answer: B. (b) and (c) only

  1. Match the following:
a)Statistical Yearbook of India i)INFA, New Delhi
b)India, Who’s Who (ii) Ministry of Culture, Government of India
c)India, Who’s Who (iii)Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, GOI
d)Indian Literature Abroad (iv)Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

A. (a)-(iii), (b)(i). (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
B. (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)
C. (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv)
D. (a)-(ii). (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)
Answer: A. (a)-(iii), (b)(i). (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)

5. Arrange the following Public Library Acts according to their years of enactment in ascending order:
a) Goa
b) Chhattisgarh
c) Rajasthan
d) Odissa

A. (a), (b), (d) and (c)
B. (a), (d), (c) and (b)
C. (d). (c). (a) and (b)
D. (d). (b). (c) and (a)
Answer: B. (a), (d), (c) and (b)
Explanation: States and their Public Library Act – Goa (1993); Odissa (2001-2); Rajasthan (2006); Chhattisgarh (2008))

6. Match the following:

a)The Changing Academic Library (i)Jose-Marie Griffiths
b)Planning Public Library Buildings (i)John Budd
c)Introduction to Public Librarianship (i)Michael Dewe
d)Special Libraries (iv) Kathleen de la Pana McCook

A. (a)-(ii), (b)(iii). (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
B. (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)
C. (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)
D. (a)-(iii). (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
Answer: A. (a)-(ii), (b)(iii). (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)

7. Which of the following are the Subject Gateways?
b) Internet Public Library (iPL2)
c) LIS Learning

A. (a) and (b) only
B. (b) and (c) only
C. (c) and (d) only
D. (a) and (d) only
Answer: D. (a) and (d) only
8. Arrange the steps that are required in a general framework for compiling any
IACR product as stated by Prof. A. Chatterjee:
a) Planning and preparation
b) Determination of scope
c) Initiation
d) Processing and organization of information

A. a, b, c, d
B. b, c, d, a
C. a, c, b,d
D. c. b, a, d
Answer: D. c. b, a, d

9. Which of the following is a searching platform for academic and research
A. Research Gate
B. Google Scholar
C. Mendeley
D. Academia
Answer: B. Google Scholar

10. Identify the intermediaries of an information industry among the following:
a) Invisible colleges
b) Online vendors
c) Computer Programmers
d) Students and Research Scholars

A. (a) and (b) only
B. (b) and (c) only
C. (c) and (d) only
D. (a) and (d) only
Answer: A. (a) and (b) only

11. In a sampling procedure, if you select every 10th name on a list or every 15th
house on a street is known as:
A. Deliberate sampling
B. Simple random sampling
C. Systematic sampling
D. Stratified sampling
Answer: C. Systematic sampling

12. Which one of the following is NOT an open source discovery interface?
A. Blacklight
B. Vufind
C. extensible Catalog
D. Orchid
Answer: D. Orchid

13. Arrange the following information systems, according to their years of origin:

A. c, a, b, d, e
B. d, c, a, b, e
C. b, a, c, e, d
D. a, c, e, d, b
Answer: B. d, c, a, b, e
Short Explanation: these are the Major Information systems 
MEDLARS (1964):Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
INSPEC (1967): Major indexing database of scientific and technical literature
INIS (1970): International Nuclear Information System
AGRIS (1975): International System for Agricultural Science and Technology
ENVIS (1982): Environmental Information System (ENVIS)

14. From the following, identify the core classes as given in the ‘BIBFRAME model’:
a) Agents
b) Events
c) Item
d) Subjects

A. (a), (b) and (c) only
B. (a), (b) and (d) only
C. (b), (c) and (d) only
D. (a), (c) and (d) only
Answer: B. (a), (b) and (d) only

15. Arrange in sequence, the steps involved in the Newark Charging System:
a) Book and Membership cards are handed over to borrower while the book card is kept in charging tray
b) Putting date stamp on the borrower card after taking it out from the book
c) Books are presented to counter assistant along with membership card
d) Membership number of the borrower is put opposite to the due date

A. d, a, b, c
B. b, c, a, d
C. a, d, c, b
D. c, b, d, a
Answer: D. c, b, d, a

16. Which of the following are tertiary sources of information?
a) World List of Social Science Periodicals, UNESCO
b) The Europa World of Learning
c) Advances in Electrical & Computer Engineering
d) Current Contents

A. (a) and (b) only
B. (b) and (c) only
C. (c) and (d) only
D. (a) and (d) only
Answer: A. (a) and (b) only

17.Which of the following are principles of TQM?
a) Stress on quantitative transactions only
b) Non-adaptable to changes
c) Customer focus
d) Continuous Improvement

A. (a) and (b) only
B. (b) and (c) only
C. (b) and (d) only
D. (c) and (d) only
Answer: D. (c) and (d) only

18. Which one of these metadata sets is NOT predefined in GSDL?
A. Dublin Core
C. RFC 1807
Answer: B. PREMIS

19. Who developed the ‘Force Field Theory’ of change?
A. Max Weber
B. Frederick Herzberg
C. Kurt Lewin
D. Elton Mayo
Answer: C. Kurt Lewin
Explanation:Principle, force-field analysis [1940] developed by Kurt Lewin & he was known for  “founder of social psychology”.

20. Telegraph Multiplexer was invented by:
A. S.F.B. Morse
B. Emile Baudot
C. Graham Bell
D. Konrad Zuse
Answer: B. Emile Baudot

Explanation:Jean Maurice Emile Baudot was known digital communication Baudot code. He was French telegraph engineer & one of the pioneers of telecommunications. He invented a multiplexed “printing telegraph system” which was used for multiple transmissions over a single line.

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