UGC NET Solved Question Paper-III July, 2016 [PDF] in Library and Information Science [Que.26-50]

UGC NET July 2016 Solved Question Paper-III in Library and Information

This is the NTA UGC NET 2016 Library and Information Science (LIS) Examination paper-III which was re-conducted in certain centres on 10th July, 2016. Following are the Question and Answer of the UGC NET 2016 exam paper-3 with answers. The Solution of this paper Prepared by using as per the answer keys released by UGC.

UGC NET July 2016 Solved Question Paper-III

Question Paper-III [Que. 26 to 50]

26. Identify the websites for best practices: as viewed by June L. Power:
a. Library Success
b. Second Life Library 2.0
d. Bloomington Delivery Service

(1) a, c, d are correct.
(2) a, b, c are correct.
(3) b, c, d are correct.
(4) a, b, d are correct.
Answer: (2) a, b, c are correct.

27. Identify the principles for the implementation of the canon of helpful sequence:
a. Principle of spatial contiguity
b. Principle of increasing literary warrant
c. Principle of modulation
d. Principle of enumeration

(1) a and b are correct.
(2) a and c are correct.
(3) b and d are correct.
(4) a and d are correct.
Answer: (1) a and b are correct

28. Identify the popular modes of staff development practised in libraries:
a. Planned rotation
b. Deputing staff to conferences and seminars
c. Sponsoring for refresher courses
d. Making them members of other libraries

(1) a, b, c are correct.
(2) b, c, d are correct.
(3) a, b, d are correct.
(4) a, c, d are correct.
Answer: (1) a, b, c are correct.

29. In thesaurus SN (Scope Note) provides
a. Related terms
b. Restriction in usage of description
e. Brief descriptions of sense or framework in which the terms should be used
d. Clarification of ambiguity

(1) a, b and c are correct.
(2) a, b and d are correct.
(3) b, c and d are correct.
(4) a, c and d are correct.
Answer: (3) b, c and d are correct.

30. A sound marketing plan contains
a. An analysis of macro-environment
b. A SWOT analysis
c. A brief statement of mission
d. An analysis of advertising

(1) a, b and c are correct.
(2) a, c and d are correct.
(3) b, c and d are correct.
(4) a, b and d are correct.
Answer: (1) a, b and c are correct.

UGC NET Paper-I PDF & Solved Question papers

31. LANs are distinguished from other types of Networks by the following characteristics:
a. Full time connectivity to local service.
b. Unlimited geographic operation.
c. Data transfer rate.
d. Low cost of cabling transmission media.

(1) b, c, and d are correct.
(2) a, b, c are correct
(3) a, c and d are correct.
(4) a, b and d are correct.
Answer: (3) a, c and d are correct.

32. Which of the following are the different layers of UNIX operating system?
a. Kernel
b. Shell
c. Format
d. Application

(1) a, b and d are correct.
(2) b, c and d are correct.
(3) a, c and d are correct.
(4) a, b and c are correct.
Answer: (1) a, b and d are correct.

33. Identify the web 3.0 features from the following:
a. Blogs
b. Folksonomy
c. Semantic web
d. Net vibes

(1) a and b are correct.
(2) c & d are correct.
(3) b & d are correct.
(4) a & d are correct.
Answer: (2) c & d are correct.

34. Identify the characteristics of Library 1.0:
a. User tagging
b. Read only catalogue
c. Print newsletter mailed out
d. Information as conversation

(1) a and c are correct.
(2) b and d are correct.
(3) b and c are correct.
(4) c and d are correct.
Answer: (3) b and c are correct.

35. Identify the correct sequence of the facet formula for book number as propounded by S.R. Ranganathan:
a. Evaluation
b. Language
c. Year
d. Form

(1) b, d, c and a
(2) b, a, d and c
(3) b, c, d and a
(4) d, a, c and b
Answer: (1) b, d, c and a

36. Arrange the following biographical sources according to the year of their first publication:
a. Current Biography, H.W. Wilson
b. Webster’s Biographical Dictionary, G & C Marriam Company
c. Chamber’s Biographical Dictionary
d. International Who’s Who, Europa

(1) c, b, a and d
(2) c, d, b and a
(3) d, b, c and a
(4) a, c, d and b
Answer: (Wrong Question)

37. Arrange the following committee/commissions in ascending order:
a. Kothari Commission
b. Radhakrishnan Commission
c. K.P. Sinha Committee
d. Ranganathan Committee

(1) a, b, d, c
(2) b, d, c, a
(3) d, b, a, c
(4) c, a, b, d
Answer: (2) b, d, c, a

38. Arrange the following events according to their year of occurrence:
a. Establishment of Documentation Research and Training Centre
b. First meeting of Classification Research Group, London
c. Publication of Broad System of Ordering (BSO)
d. Formation of FID/CA

(1) a, b, d c
(2) d, b, c, a
(3) d, b, a, c
(4) d, c, a, b
Answer: (3) d, b, a, c

39. Arrange the following classification schemes according to their chronological sequence:
a. Subject classification
b. Expansive classification
c. Broad system of ordering
d. Bibliographic classification

(1) a, b, c and d
(2) b, a, d and c
(3) c, a, b and d
(4) d, c, b and a
Answer: (2) b, a, d and c

40. Arrange the following bibliographies according to their first publication:
a. Indian National Bibliography
b. British Books in Print (Whitaker)
c. British National Bibliography
d. Books in print (Bowker)

(1) b, d, c and a
(2) b, d, a and c
(3) d, b, c and a
(4) d, c, a and b
Answer: (3) d, b, c and a

41. Arrange the following according to their year of establishment:

(1) b, c, d and a
(2) a, d, c and b
(3) c, b, a and d
(4) d, c, b and a
Answer: (3) c, b, a and d

42. Arrange the following information encountering (IE) steps that occur during an IE experience as developed by Sanda Erdelez:
a. Examining
b. Returning
c. Slopping
d. Capturing

(1) c, b, d and a
(2) c, a, d and b
(3) a, d, c and b
(4) b, c, d and a
Answer: (2) c, a, d and b

43. Arrange the following steps of index construction in proper order:
a. Index scoring
b. Item selection
c. Index validation
d. Examination of empirical relationships

(1) a, b, c, d
(2) a, c, d, b
(3) b, d, a, c
(4) b, a, c, d
Answer: (3) b, d, a, c

44. Match the following
List – I (Extension)                              List – 2 (File Content in dBase)
a. .DBF                                               i. Database Memo file
b. .DBK                                              ii. Database file
c. .DBO                                               iii. Database backup file
d. .DBT                                               iv. Command and procedure object file

.           a          b       c          d
(1)        ii         iv        i         iii
(2)        ii         iii        iv        i
(3)        iv         ii         i         iii
(4)        i          iii        iv        ii
Answer: (2) ii iii iv i

45. Match the following:
List – I                                   List – II
a. Descriptive Metadata           i. MOA2
b. Structural Metadata             ii. EAD
c. Administrative Metadata       iii. OWL + DC
d. Semantic Metadata              iv. MARC

.           a          b          c          d
(1)        iv         ii          i           iii
(2)        ii          iii         iv         i
(3)        iv         ii          iii         i
(4)        iv         iii         ii          i
Answer: (1) iv ii i iii

46. Match the following:
List – I                                                        List – II
a. Arunachal Pradesh Public Libraries Act         i. 1960
b. Orissa Public Libraries Act                          ii. 1979
c. West Bengal Public Libraries Act                 iii. 2009
d. Andhra Pradesh Public Libraries Act            iv. 2001

.            a         b          c          d
(1)        ii          i           iv         iii
(2)        iii         ii          i          iv
(3)        iv         iii         ii          i
(4)        iii         iv         ii          i
Answer: (4) iii iv ii i

47. Math the following:
List – 1                           List – II
a. IFLA                           i. Dublin
b. OCLC                         ii. Toronto
c. RLIN                          iii. Palo Alto
d. UTLAS                       iv. The Hague

.           a         b          c          d
(1)        iv         i          iii        ii
(2)        i          ii         iii        iv
(3)        ii         i          iv         iii
(4)        iii        iv         ii          i
Answer:(1) iv i iii ii

48. Match the following:
List – I                                                                                    List – II
a. Narrative account of the progress of any given field of study      i. Trend Report
b. Systematic view of recent developments                                 ii. Review
c. Systematic condensation of a written work                              iii. Compendium
d. Short summary of the main Points of a larger work                  iv. Digest

. a          b          c          d
(1)        ii          i           iii         iv
(2)        iii         iv         ii          i
(3)        iii         i           ii          iv
(4)        iv         i           iii         ii
Answer: (1) ii i iii iv

49. Match the following authors with the subjects they are associated with:
List – I                                                            List – II
a. Peter Suber                                                i. Management
b. H. E. Bliss                                                  ii. Information Technology
c. Henry Fayol                                                iii. Classification
d. Tim Berners Lee                                         iv. Open Access Movement

.           a          b        c          d
(1)        iv         iii        i           ii
(2)        iii        ii         i           iv
(3)        i          iii       iv          ii
(4)        ii         iv        iii         i
Answer: (1) iv iii i ii

50. Match the following
List – I                                                    List – II
a. Invenio                                               i. Course Management System
b. Moodle                                               ii. Content Management System
c. Share Point                                         iii. Digital Library System
d. PhpMyAdmin                                       iv. Web Database Management

.           a          b        c          d
(1)        iii         i          ii         iv
(2)        iv         i          ii         iii
(3)        ii          i          iii        iv
(4)        iv         iii         ii         i
Answer: (1) iii i ii iv

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