DSSSB Librarian Post Exam-November 2021 Solved Question Paper [Que.41 to 60]

DSSSB Librarian Exam Solved Question Paper- November 2021 [Que.1 to 20] (Exam Conducted on 25th November 2021)

Following are the questions of DSSSB Exam conducted on 25th November 2021 for the post of Librarian with answer which are taken from the Answer provided by the board. This is for the preparation of various LIS discipline exam like UGC NET/SLET/DSSSB etc. Exams. We hope you like this Que. and answer.

DSSSB Exam Solved Question [Que.41 to 60]

41. How many tables are there in the 19th ed. DDC ?
(a) Seven
(b) Eight
(c) Six
(d) Five
Answer: (a) Seven

42. Thousands of e-books can be accessed on a special device called :
(a) Googlie
(b) Dwindle
(c) Kindle
(d) Doodle
Answer: (c) Kindle

43. International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) are a set of rules to be
used in library catalogue is framed by :
(a) ALA
(b) FID
(d) IFLA
Answer: (d) IFLA

44. The process of over sewing to secure the loose pages of the volumes of books, is a part of :
(a) Paper Back
(b) Hard Bound
(c) Book Binding
(d) Cover Binding
Answer: (c) Book Binding

45. Which one of the following is an open source operating system :
(a) Windows NT
(b) MS-DOS
(c) Windows Vista
(d) Linux
Answer: (d) Linux

46. In which year was the National Knowledge Commission formulated :
(a) 2018
(b) 2006
(c) 2005
(d) 2020
Answer: (c) 2005

47. Which one of the following is a communication software :
(a) Laptops
(b) Computers
(c) Bestlinks
(d) Zoom
Answer: (d) Zoom

48. Who used Analytico synthetic approach in designing a library classification scheme
(a) SR Ranganathan
(b) HE Bliss
(c) Melvil Dewey
(d) CA Cutter
Answer: (a) SR Ranganathan

49. Which scheme of classification was devised by Paul Otlet and La Fontaine
(a) EC
(b) UDC
(c) DDC
(d) CC
Answer: (b) UDC

50. CDS/ISIS was developed by :
(a) NIC
Answer: (d) UNESCO

51. What type of computer component is a printer :
(a) Output Device
(b) Input Device
(c) Data Generater
(d) Operator Device
Answer: (a) Output Device

52. A computer application for organizing, analysing and storage of data in a tabular
form is called:
(a) Spread Sheet
(b) Table Sheet
(c) Word Document
(d) Excel Sheet
Answer: (a) Spread Sheet

53. The canon which helps in choosing the headings for a catalogue is called the canon of:
(a) Consistency
(b) Sought Headings
(c) Permanence
(d) Currency
Answer: (b) Sought Headings

54. One of the main contribution of CA Cutter (1837-1903) is enunciation of :
(a) Anglo American Cataloguing Rules
(b) British Museum Cataloguing Rules
(c) Rules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue
(d) Online Public Access Catalogue Rules
Answer: (C) Rules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue

55. Which type of information source provides the information about a particular product and its development:
(a) Patents
(b) Index
(c) Trade Literature
(d) Journal
Answer: (c) Trade Literature

56. A collection of program that enable a person to manipulate images or models visually on a computer is called:
(a) Hyper media
(b) Static Software
(c) Graphics Software
(d) Hypertext
Answer: (c) Graphics Software
57. The canon which decides the position of an entry among the various entries elements in a catalogue is, the canon of:
(a) Prepotence
(b) Local Variation
(c) Recall Value
(d) Ascertainability
Answer: (a) Prepotence

58. “Adjustable Book Racks and Shelves” will accommodate the library collection, thus
fulfilling the :
(a) Fourth Law
(b) Second Law
(c) Third Law
(d) Fifth Law
Answer: (c) Third Law

59. The first book in 1974 about personal computers is written by :
(a) Ted Nelson
(b) Bill Gates
(c) Vannevar Bush
(d) Howard Aiken
Answer: (a) Ted Nelson

60. Plato was a librarian and formed a library at:
(a) Rome
(b) Athens
(c) Syracuse
(d) Egypt
Answer: (c) Syracuse

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